Huang Wei Ling
Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic
Title: Energy Alterations In The Formation And Treatment Of Scleroderma
Biography: Huang Wei Ling
Introduction: Scleroderma is a rare disease that hard and tight the skin and its connective tissues. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) associates the disease with a Qi and Yang deficiency and coldness leading to blood statis.
The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that energ alterations have an influence on the formation of scleroderma and to propose an effective treatment using ancient medical tools, associated with Western standard treatment.
Methods: A case report of a female patient, 58 years old, diagnosed with scleroderma and in chronic use of corticosteroids. The patient presented a stiffening of the skin, with slim stiff fingers, purpled at its tips, several calcified deposits in the glutes and hips of hardened consistency. The patient’s case had no improvement despite a variety of Western treatments approaches. Looking for another point of view on the issue, the patient sought an acupuncture clinic for the treatment of scleroderma.
Results: Three sessions of auricular acupuncture associated with apex ear bloodletting and diet for restoration of the energy balance of Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood were sufficient to have gain improvement with the softening of the skin and the calcifications that the patient presented on the glutes and hips. The patient stated she felt more “rejuvenated, emotionally balanced and cheerful.”
Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is that scleroderma may be linked with energy alterations of Yin,Yang, Qi and Blood and it is possible to make an appropriate treatment rebalancing these energies.