Introduction: Treating acne scars is a big challenge, many treatments are available but optimized treatment still does not satisfactory with the absence of a multimodal combination approach. While fractional CO2 lasers (FCLs) are an established treatment option, the role of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in the treatment of acne scars is not established though it is being used extensively in other fields of medicine owing to its healing properties. Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of autologous platelet rich plasma combined with fractional CO2 laser for treatment of acne scars.
Exclusion Criteria: Exclusion criteria includes history of keloidal scar, active inflammation or infection, oral isotretinoin use within the preceding three months, diabetes mellitus, collagen vascular disease, pregnancy and lactation.
Method: Patients underwent split-face therapy, had received ablative fractional carbon dioxide (CO2) laser (10600 nm) (Smartxide DOT, advanced CO2 fractional technology Deka, Florence, Italy) combined with autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment on one half of their face and ablative fractional CO2 laser alone on the other half (for comparison). The injection of PRP was administered immediately after laser therapy. Each patient will receive three treatment sessions with one month gap, and will follow up for three months.
Findings: Patients were evaluated in each session and three months after the last sessions to assess the response by using standardized high-resolution digital photographs using identical camera settings, patient positioning, and lighting conditions.
Conclusion: Grading of post-acne scars severity will be performed using the Quantitative Global Grading system of Goodman and Baroon. This will be performed through the assessment of two independent blinded physicians. The physicians will not participate in the study and would not know the treatment protocol